Concierge Organizer is a ready-to-use application with its by-default settings.
Concierge Organizer is a very flexible tool. You can customize it to your own work organisation. With our assistance, you will quickly learn how to navigate in the settings and how to modify the application according to your needs.
Services sections
Linked services
Visual reminders
pop ups
Generate Pdf or Excel reports
Concierge Organizer is able to establish links with other hotel softwares or other suppliers softwares.
These interactions are secured and do not result in any data loss.
The best solution to ensure
communication with other departments in the hotel.
Full integration of the 2 applications :
- Import of information from PMS into Concierge Organizer
- Posts of service fees from Concierge Organizer to the PMS.
when a task is created,
a notification is straightly
sent in a dedicated
Thanks to specific developments, some Limo providers are straightly linked to Concierge Organizer.
This smart integration allows to reduce substantially
the time spent on the phone with dispatchs.
When the ride is arranged by the limo provider,
Concierge Organizer is smartly notified.
The Concierge will have all the relevant information without any intervention on his part:
name of the driver, number plate, type of vehicle...
Concierges can track the limousine in real time and receive notifications when Guests arrive.
Secure reporting from PMS to Concierge Organizer.
Cardex and dates of stay are imported into Concierge Organizer.
This service allows to limit the integration costs with some PMS.
When a task is created, a notification is straightly sent in a dedicated logbook.
Thanks to specific developments, some Limo providers are straightly linked to Concierge Organizer. This smart integration allows to reduce substantially the time spent on phone with dispatchs. When the ride is arranged by the limo provider, Concierge Organizer is smartly notified. The user received at the same time all necessary information about the ride : chauffeur’s name, plate, vehicle type…
the best solution to ensure
front Office communication.
You can follow the Limo on the map
and have a real-time control.
You receive notifications to warn you at your Guests’ arrival.